10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Off-Road Diesel

Off-road, or red, diesel, sometimes called red diesel, is the fuel used for vehicles that don’t drive on public roads. Agricultural equipment, some construction site vehicles, locomotives, and some boats and marine equipment fall into this category. Here are 10 facts that can help you learn more about off-road diesel.

1. Off-Road Diesel is Dyed Red

The government requires diesel suppliers to add red dye, Solvent Red 26 or Solvent Red 164, to distinguish off-road diesel from conventional diesel.

2. It’s Illegal to Use Off-Road Diesel for On-Road Use

On-road diesel is taxable, while off-road diesel isn’t. Using off-road diesel for your personal vehicle is illegal and considered tax evasion.

3. You Can Use Red Diesel as Heating Fuel or in Generators

You can use red diesel in generators, as heating and stove oil, and for your off-road diesel-certified vehicles.

4. You Need to Find a Supplier for Red Diesel

Fuel suppliers, like Reeder Distributors, Inc., help those in the farming or construction business by delivering tax-free off-road diesel to the farm or job site. Finding the right supplier or distributor can help increase efficiency and profit for you and your business.

5. Red Diesel has Sulfer Limits

Prior to 2010, off-road diesel sulfur limits were as high as 3,000 parts per million (ppm.) Today, off-road diesel has less than 15 ppm of sulfur.

6. Increased Regulations of Sulfer Limits Reduces Air Pollution

One of the main goals of reducing sulfur limits in diesel and off-road diesel is to reduce emissions. These regulations are a result of the Clean Air Initiative enacted by the United Nations in 2019.

7. Off-Road Diesel Costs Less Than On-Road Diesel

The government offers off-road exemption benefits to help support farmers, agricultural, and construction companies. To help support this incentive, off-road fuel is generally less expensive than conventional diesel.

8. Off-Road Diesel is the Same as Conventional Diesel

Off-road diesel and conventional diesel have the same chemical makeup. Typically, off-road diesel is dyed red, while conventional diesel is dyed green to differentiate the two.

9. Red Diesel is a Class II Combustible

According to the National Fire Protection Association, off-road diesel is a Class II combustible liquid. Any fuel with a flashpoint over 100 degrees Fahrenheit is a combustible liquid. Diesel and off-road diesel have a flashpoint between 126 and 205 degrees, making it a Class II combustible liquid.

10. Off-Road Diesel Can Gel in Cold Temperatures

When the temperature drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, diesel fuel begins to look cloudy and the viscosity changes. As it gets colder, the off-road diesel can begin to gel, reducing the fuel’s ability to flow properly. In addition, the water in diesel will begin to crystalize at cold temperatures. To help prevent your off-road diesel from freezing or gelling, consult with us at Reeder Distributors, Inc. to discuss additive options.

Help prevent downtime in your Fort Worth, Texas, agricultural or construction business by having a consistent supply of off-road diesel. Our team at Reeder Distruibutors, Inc. can help you negotiate the paperwork required to qualify for tax-free off-road diesel, deliver it to your site, and keep you stocked up for business efficiency. Contact us today to learn more about off-road diesel.